First of all skaters are the new rock stars…. they are†the cool†the just are.
They’re cool, get loads of cash from sponsors, everyone wants to be like them, and the list goes on. There are alot of great skaters out there: Jereme Rogers, Terry Kennedy, Paul Rodriguez, Stevie Williams, Ryan Sheckler, etc etc.
I think it goes without saying that the typical skater style is… the stereotypical hip-hop style. I say stereotypical because these days most categorical “hip-hop†artist dress preppy or †or they just do their own thing- which could mean wearing suits or dressing like a nerd. The baggy jeans, graphic tees, fitted hat, and bling bling can truly only be seen in movies or tv shows, on certain rappers, and on skaters.
To achieve this look one has to have baggy jeans, a fitted hat, a cool tee and a some bling and an attitude
This look has a certain feel to it, in order to pull it off you have to be into that cluture dont try to dress the part if you are not into it